How Much? - Drive skills 4 life

How Much?

NDIS Provider

I am no longer a registered NDIS provider so I can only now support self and plan managed.

I am happy to support clients that live within a 30 minute radius of Frankston.

Please send me an email via the contact section for a confidential quote.

Quotes are now taking way too long, more than six months, and in some cases being told driving is no longer a requirement. So, if you wish to enquire about other line item numbers I can use, please send me a confidential email.

One thing that has remained consistent with Drive Skills 4 Life is my prices, they have been consistent for three years now so don’t despair and worry that my prices will rise in the near future, they won’t.

Prices are $150 per session.

Prices correct as of 1st January 2021.

City Streets Adventure

The City Street Adventure incorporates freeways (including Citylink), city streets including trams and hook turns.  Please allow three to four hours.  Pick up and drop off is included.  Lunch and refreshments also included. At least 80 hours must already attained in your log book.

Total cost is $575 for one student.  $925 for two.  If two students wish to attend, feel free to split the cost down the middle.  Generally a three month wait for these bookings.

Prices correct as at 1st January, 2022

Drive Skills 4 life - is your anxiety stopping you from driving?

Counselling support for clients with driving anxiety and road trauma support.

In recent years I have trained as a counsellor, and now counsel clients who are fearful of getting behind the wheel or getting back behind the wheel after road trauma.  Everyone deserves the right to be supported through this stage and I will be with you every step of the way.

These sessions can be done online, and can progress to being in the car as we progress, if you desire.

Sessions are available through NDIS and my aged care.  Private billing is also available.

These sessions are $155 per hour.

Prices correct as of 1st January, 2024
